See Updates on the convention website:
Torches are lit in the spirit of the Olympics! The spirit of sharing and cooperation! The spirit of bringing the best of the world to one stage! The IMCSL has created a place for the sharing of knowledge, the showcasing of fashion industry businesses, and will nurture the promotion of growth for all participants both personally and professionally.
All together on one sim! All the latest tools, experts and information.
Save the dates! You will NOT want to miss this exciting and informative fashion event!
For more information please contact
Giselle Temple, CEO Premiere Modelling Agency
Convention Coordinator
Located in Mondani Tesori (Wordly Treasures) sim the International Modeling Convention is slated to be the largest virtual information distribution event for Fashion Modelling ever. Latest releases, updates and information all brought together for one big event.
DATES(S): September 22 – 26, 2010
TIMES: 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm , 4:00pm (all times are SLT)
LOCATION: click here for SLURL to Mondani Tesori (Wordly Treasures)
Each day there will be presentations in various forms: Seminars, Demonstrations, Forums and Fashion Shows Click on the SCHEDULE OF EVENTS tab at the top of the page.
Designers participating in this convention, will be presenting items for sale at the convention as well as opportunities to capture an audience by participating in one of the events.
All participants will be able to set up vendors in kiosks or boutiques around the convention. The sales kiosks and boutiques will remain in place September 20 – October 20.
Giselle Temple, CEO Premiere Modelling Agency
Coordinator, International Modeling Convention 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
11:00am: Convention Kick-Off & Welcome: Giselle Temple, CEO IMCSL2010
12:00pm: Fashion Show - Lady Thera
1:00pm: Keynote Speaker - Mimmi Boa
2:00pm: Seminar - Shoes - Getting the Color Right - Dancer Dalligio
3:00pm: Seminar - Blogs - The Write Way to Give Fashion a Face: Sequoia Nightfire
4:00pm: Fashion Show - Poba India
Thursday, September 23, 2010
12:00pm: Fashion Show - Evane
12:00pm: Seminar - Perfect Pose Preparation: Arisia Ashmoot of Body Talking
1:00pm: Forum - Agency Presentations
2:00pm: Presentation - Vanity Tour - Katherine Comet
3:00pm: Forum - Models Being Paid for Work - Sabine Blackburn, Moderator
4:00pm: Fashion Show - Blacklace
Friday, September 24, 2010
11:00am: Fashion Show - G Sloane (Premiere Modeling)
12:00pm: Seminar - Addressing Lag - Taylia Tarber
1:00pm: Seminar - Content Theft and How To Identify Counterfeit Items
2:00pm: Seminar - History of Modeling in SL - A Five Year Overview - Nemi McCoy
3:00pm: Seminar - Photography - Head Shots, Our Calling Cards
4:00pm: Fashion Show - International Model Agency
Saturday, September 24, 2010
11:00am: Fashion Show - Tres Beau
12:00pm: Keynote Speaker - Frolic Mills
1:00pm: Seminar - Super Elite - Amber Quinzet
2:00pm: Seminar - Seth Diabolito
3:00pm: Seminar - The Agency/Model Relationship - Astrokris Messmer
4:00pm: Fashion Show - Super Elite
Sunday, September 26, 2010
11:00am: Fashion Show - iC Motions
12:00pm: Forum - Showcasing Fashion: Fashion Shows and Beyond
1:00pm: Seminar- Do’s and Don’ts of Script Writing - Blackbarbie Bravin
2:00pm: Forum - Evaluating SL Viewers for Modeling
3:00pm: Seminar - Shape Shifting - blackLiquid Tokyoska
4:00pm: Fashion Show - Purple Moon (Premier Modelling)