Irene Ichtama designer and genius of fashion has opened I-Scream to everyones delight that enters this GLAM store. I had minor heart palpitation while peering at all the 80's glam that was surrounding me! One word...BLONDIE...*dies* and that's just the beginning of it!! Irene is super excited about her store as we spoke I could tell her enthusiasm for what she does and that really is what it takes to make great clothes that everyone dies for. When asked her inspiration Miss Ichtama said she draws from magazines and her brain! I need to get one of those brains. With 80's Glam back in Real Life Fashion I have yet to find a shop that does it justice like I-Scream does. The new release is so hawt it practically melts!! Also came in a white cheetah print this dress shows skin in all the right places. Her store is colorful fun and super charged to be hugely popular. Make sure you catch this store and also 4 free group gift items! i can only imagine how big this store will be and the demand Irene will be faced with and get very excited for her (and for me for getting these at great prices haha).