Well I do, but now I am sharing! Garded Secret is NOW OPEN! The very lovely and talented Talyia Tarber has put away her camera at Kiss My Camera to focus on her new passion. Skin creation! Garded Secret will be the worst kept secret in SL once everyone sees what amazing quality and detail she has put into these skins. I must admit, that when I came back from my month long "Vacation" and she told me she had a surprise, I was mighty nervous! Though, I am a woman, I am not a big fan of surprises. So when she tp'ed me to her store in Fashion Palace, I was blown away. Not only has she created a new path for herself to explore but she has done so brilliantly.
One of the MANY things she has for us is with every purchase you will receive a token. Once you have gotten 5 tokens you get a free skin! 6 Skins for the price of five! WOOHOO!!!
She currently has one series going up as she makes them which are the "Charmed" series and I must say, they are VERY charming! Here is an up close look of the first one she has out, "Nude":
I know that its not an everyday looking skin, but she is working on that but keeping it with her flashy and runway ready look. After a bit of talking with some of the customers she decided to get a second skin out in a flash. I have to tell you, when she tp'ed me in to see it...I nearly fainted. It is so gorgeous! Here is an up close look of "Dazzle me Pink":
So beautiful! Now, her skins do come in 5 different skin tones. The one shown here is "Fair". She has Pale, Fair, Tan, Bronze, and Dark bronze. She also has some GREAT little extras she adds with her skins. You don't just get beautiful skin! You get Eyebrow shapes, then you have brow color choices; light or dark, then the best of them all. How many of us LOVE wearing prim nails but HATE matching that stupid glove to match our skin tone? Well, Talyia has fixed that, she has created an optional skin that has NO nail on it. So you are ready to attach those prim nails and go without a worry! How brilliant is she!?
PLEASE go check out Garded Secret and look at the beautiful skins Talyia has to offer. You never know what she will have in store for you! She has many more surprises coming your way so keep your eyes open and your wallet lined with plenty of lindens because you will NOT want to miss this secret!