
Okay so one of my most beautiful friends, Rissa Friller, did a blog post about this new shoe designer called Purrfect 10 in SL.  SO I HAD to go take a look.  Well, I get there and decide, I better try the free pair first before I go buy anything cause LORD knows I have spent a lot of money on shoes I have never worn again because of various reasons; skin matching system, quality issues, and just plain difficult to deal with.  So, I get the free, if in the group, gift; Denim, and play with all the options.  Skin texture is EASY if you can get the RGB* color of your skin, walk sounds (please god turn them OFF), invisible layer off if you are using the alpha layer, and much more.  I must admit I was instantly in love.  SO, I bit the bullett and paid to join the VIP group which ran me about 510L.  Now, normally I don't "buy" into groups, its a fast way to make cash for a lot of not so good people in SL, BUT this is one of the few groups I decided was WELL worth it.  I joined and was able to get TWO more pairs of shoes to go with my ALREADY free Denim, Leopard and Paisley.  Again, I am IN LOVE!  They are so amazing!  3 pairs of GREAT shoes for 510L!  LOL Can't go wrong!  Be sure to head on down there and see all the other amazing shoes they have, they even have BOOTS!  *swoons*

Paisley | Denim | Leopard

Purrfect 10 Links:

Purrfect 10 SLurl

Purrfect 10 Group

Purrfect 10 VIP Group - 510 Linden to Join

Purrfect 10 Official Blog
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