
Showing off my naughty side *giggles* or not! But before I begin I want to send out hugs and kisses to Christensia Parkin of Hyper Culture and everyone from Kalnins

First, why do I love this "Netted Bodysuit" from [HC]?? Simple! 'coz it's prim-free!! Yes, I have to write that down in bigger letters. The textures used are very rich, I especially swooned over the emerald bodysuit, although I'm torn between that and alizarin *smiles*. You can wear it with or without fishnet tights or gloves - to achieve that seductive vixen look, I suggest that you do wear the tights because fishnet tights = sexy!.

Moving over to Kalnins "Prima", they say that a good pair of shoes will take you to your greatest adventures and I agree! There's something about Kalnins' footwear that makes my feet even more realistic, I don't know if it's because of it's wider appearance than most sculpted feet I have (yeah, I so think that's the reason). 

So, what will happen if you put on a netted bodysuit and slip on really sexy heels? You become every man's dream girl LOL (that's my opinion).

A closer look to "Prima" from Kalnins:

AND the netted bodysuit comes in more colors:

I look hotter wearing this than when I am naked *giggles*

Here's your TPs
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