Baby, because you and me are sinking... quicksand
Like quicksand, like quicksand

Yes, Quicksand isn't just that blasted bottomless life taking mud pit, it is also a very talented skin designer in SL.  The lovely Rawr Adored is blessing us with her beautiful line of skins.  Having spoken to Rawr a few times, I already knew she was uber talented and amazing, but I had failed to find out that she also had a skin line.  Well, Maritima, Inc. did a casting call for Quicksands next line of skins.  I thought well why not!  So I went and purchased Cherryblossom (ADORABLE!), styled it and got to the casting.  I was so nervous having already met and spoken with Rawr before, I felt a sense of having to be perfect or I would make a fool of myself.  With knees shaking and sweat pouring (nasty visual huh?) I stepped out on stage and worked it.  The weekend was a long one, wondering, waiting...COME ON ALREADY, moments.  I finally get the news and I won 1 of 3 spots! YAY!  SO, I having had the photoshoot with Rawr, for the new skin, I am now going to show you...I hope you all take the time to go to the store and find that skin for you.  You will be super excited you did!

Model: Scarlett Loxingly
Photographer: Rawr Adored
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